
Displaying 61 - 70 of 97

Philippines - Second Population Project

The Punjab Livestock Project in Pakistan was implemented. The poor performance of this project can be largely related to mistakes made by the Bank at appraisal to inefficiencies…

Philippines - Fishery Training Project

The Urban Development Project in Botswana was successful. The experience in Botswana provides a lesson in the successful application of the sites and services and slum upgrading…

Philippines - Industrial Investment Projects

The Structural Adjustment Program Project for Guinea was rated successful. The project achieved many of its objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely…

Philippines - Seventh Power Project

The Grain Storage Project for Nepal was unsatisfactory. There are several reasons for this outcome. First, the storage capacity target was not reached. Only 27,000 metric tons were…

Philippines - Rainfed Agricultural Development (ILOILO) Project

The Forestry Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Philippines - Magat and Chico River Multipurpose Projects

The Forestry Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Philippines - First Rural Infrastructure Project


Philippines - Smallholder Tree Farming and Forestry Project

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…

Philippines - Third Highway Project

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…

Philippines - National Extension Project

The Sind and Punjab Agricultural Extension and Development Projects in Pakistan was successful. Overall, the project has been moderately successful in meeting its broad goals in spite…