
Displaying 21 - 30 of 97

Developing Towns and Cities: Lessons from Brazil and the Philippines

The World Bank has been financing projects in support of municipal development for some 20 years. This study presents and analyzes the concrete results of four successful projects in Brazil and the Philippines,…

Filipinas: Crisis y oportunidades


Philippines: From Crisis to Opportunity


Building Institutions and Financing Local Development: Lessons from Brazil and the Philippines


Filipinas: Crisis y oportunidades (Brief)

Con el firme apoyo de donantes e instituciones financieras internacionales, que incluyó cinco operaciones para fines de ajuste estructural financiadas por el Banco Mundial, los gobiernos de Aquino y Ramos han…

Apoyo a pequeñas empresas

En muchas ocasiones, el Banco prestó apoyo a pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) para alentar el empleo de trabajadores con salarios bajos y diversificar y ampliar la base de la economía. Por lo general, la…

Aide aux petites entreprises

La Banque a participé à de nombreuses opérations d'aide aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) pour encourager l'embauche de travailleurs à bas salaires et pour diversifier et élargir l'activité économique.…

Support for Smaller Enterprises

The Bank has often supported small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to encourage employment of lower-paid wage earners and to diversify and broaden the base of an economy. The strategy for smaller enterprises has…

Philippines : Crise et perspectives

Avec le ferme soutien des institutions internationales et de la communauté des bailleurs de fonds, notamment à travers cinq opérations d'ajustement structurel financées par la Banque mondiale, les…

The Philippines: From Crisis To Opportunity

This Country Assistance Review examines the Bank's assistance to the Philippines since 1986, a turning point in the economic and social policy history of the country. During the past dozen years, the Bank assistance…