
Displaying 21 - 30 of 48

Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation assesses the relevance, efficacy, and efficiency of the World Bank ' s assistance strategy since 1986. A working draft of the CAE was sent to the government of Bolivia. Their comments…

Bolivia - Major Cities Water and Sewerage Rehabilitation Project

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) assessments of outcome as satisfactory, likely sustainability, and satisfactory Bank, and Borrower…

Bolivia - Environmental Technical Assistance Project

The project outcome is rated as marginally unsatisfactory, with sustainability as unlikely, and institutional development impact as modest. Both borrower and World Bank performances…

Bolivia - Export Corridors Project

The audit for the Export Corridors Project concurs with the ratings of the implementation completion report. The project offers several lessons. Changing a parastatal organization to…

Reforming Bolivia's Power Sector

When the World Bank approved funding for Bolivia's Power Rehabilitation Project in 1987, the expected outcome was confined to improvements in the operation of the state-owned power company, ENDE (Empresa Nacional de…

Réforme du secteur de l'électricité en Bolivie

Lorsque la Banque mondiale en a approuvé le financement en 1987, le Projet de réhabilitation du secteur de l'électricité bolivien devait seulement améliorer l'exploitation de l'Empresa Nacional de…

La reforma del sector eléctrico de Bolivia

Cuando en 1987 el Banco Mundial aprobó financiamiento para el Proyecto de rehabilitación del sector eléctrico de Bolivia, las mejoras previstas se circunscribían al funcionamiento de la compañía elé…

Bolivia - Structural Adjustment Program Project, Public Financce Management Operation I Project, and Economic Management Strengthening Operation Project

The report rates the outcome of the Structural Adjustment Program Project as marginally satisfactory, Bank performance as unsatisfactory, Government performance as satisfactory,…

Bolivia - Power Rehabilitation Project

The overall project outcome is rated as satisfactory, borrower performance as satisfactory, institutional development as high, sustainability as likely, and Bank performance as…

Dix années d'activité des fonds sociaux en Bolivie

Le Fonds bolivien d'investissement social ¾ Fondo de Inversión Social (FIS) ¾ n'est pas seulement le plus ancien et le plus important des fonds sociaux d'Amérique latine ; c'est également un modèle régional pour…