
Displaying 5201 - 5210 of 5578

Senegal - Terres Neuves Resettlement Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Brazil - Grain Storage Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Jordan - Second Amman Water Supply and Sewerage Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Brazil - Third and Fourth Highway Construction Projects

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Ethiopia - Wolamo Agricultural Development Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Mexico - Second Railway Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Indonesia - Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (BAPINDO) Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Argentina - Second Highway Project

The Terres Neuves Resettlement Project provided funds for the resettlement of about 300 families from the Groundnut Basin to unexploited land in Eastern Senegal. Other objectives of…

Pakistan - Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDB) Project

The Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP) Project in Pakistan was implemented. This project was severely affected by the dramatic changes that Pakistan underwent in the early…

Liberia - Second Highway Project

The Second Highway Project was achieved. The Bank's performance was successfully applied. The Bank may have been remiss in failing to note during subsequent supervision missions that…