The IEG Implementation Completion and Results Report Review (ICRR) is an independent, desk-based, critical validation of the evidence, content, narrative and ratings included in the World Bank’s Implementation Completion and Results Reports (ICR). Based on the evidence provided in the ICR and an interview with the last task team leader, IEG arrives at its own ratings for the project, based on the same evaluation criteria used by the World Bank project teams. IEG’s ICRRs serve as an independent validation of the results in the ICR and contribute to both learning and accountability.

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Keywords can include Report Title, Project Title, Project ID, and/or Topics
Displaying 871 - 880 of 7605
Report Date :

Report Title : Georgia - Sustainable Wastewater Management

Report Date :

Report Title : Mozambique - MZ- Cities Climate Change

Report Date :

Report Title : India - IN: RWSS for Low Income States

Report Date :

Report Title : Ghana - Ghana Climate Innovation Center RE-P1457

Report Date :

Report Title : Mauritania - Mauritania Social Safety Net System

Report Date :

Report Title : Tajikistan - SOCIAL SAFETY NETS

Report Date :


Report Date :

Report Title : Philippines - Improving Fiscal Management

Report Date :

Report Title : Serbia - Public Exp. and Utilities DPL1

Report Date :

Report Title : Togo - Togo Fiscal Reform Credit