Before joining The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), Soniya Carvalho worked in the central poverty units of The World Bank. At IEG, she has led/co-led over ten major evaluations, including those on Poverty Assessments, Social FundsFragile StatesMillennium Development GoalsMonitoring and Evaluation SystemsPoverty and Social Impact AssessmentsLearning and Results I and IIData for Development, Results and Performance of the World Bank Group, and Mobilizing Technology for Development: An Assessment of World Bank Group Preparedness

Carvalho's in-country operational work includes that in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Egypt, Eritrea, India, Jamaica, Lao PDR, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Zimbabwe. Her areas of specialization are evaluation methodology, managing for results, poverty reduction, design and implementation of safety nets and social funds, behavioral science, and technology for development. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and has numerous World Bank publications to her name.

She holds an M. Phil. in Development Economics from the University of Cambridge, U.K.