The World Bank Group’s Early Support to Addressing the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Economic Response (April 2020-June 2021)
CAT DDO catastrophe deferred drawdown option
CERC contingent emergency response component
DPF development policy financing
DPO development policy operation
DSA debt sustainability analysis
EBF extrabudgetary fund
EOC Emergency Operations Center
ESF Environmental and Social Framework
FTCF Fast-Track COVID-19 Facility
GDP gross domestic product
GP Global Practice
IDA International Development Association
IEG Independent Evaluation Group
IFC International Finance Corporation
IMF International Monetary Fund
IPF investment project financing
LIC low-income country
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MPA Multiphase Programmatic Approach
MSME micro, small, and medium enterprise
PGC Philippine Guarantee Corporation
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
WHO World Health Organization
All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated.