The World Bank Group’s Approach to the Mobilization of Private Capital for Development
4G Colombia Fourth Generation Roads Concession Program
AMC Asset Management Company
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
DFI development finance institution
DPO development policy operation
EMDE emerging market and developing economy
FCS fragile and conflict-affected situation
FDI foreign direct investment
FY fiscal year
G-20 Group of Twenty
G2G government-to-government
GCBF Green Cornerstone Bond Fund
GDP gross domestic product
GP Global Practice
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA International Development Association
IEG Independent Evaluation Group
IFC International Finance Corporation
LIC low-income country
LMIC lower-middle-income country
MCPP Managed Co-lending Portfolio Program
MDB multilateral development bank
MFD Maximizing Finance for Development
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
ODA official development assistance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PBG policy-based guarantee
PCM private capital mobilization
PPP public-private partnership
SAFE State Administration for Foreign Exchange
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated.