Mobilizing Technology for Development
AI artificial intelligence
ASA advisory services and analytics
CASA Central Asia–South Asia
CHIP Connect, Harness, Innovate, Protect
CoP Community of Practice
COVID-19 coronavirus
CPF Country Partnership Framework
CV curriculum vitae
DE4A Digital Economy for Africa
DEC Development Economics
DECDG Development Economics, Development Data Group
DTT disruptive and transformative technologies
FY fiscal year
GEMS Geo-Enabling for Monitoring and Supervision
ICT information and communication technology
IDA International Development Association
ID4D Identification for Development
IEG Independent Evaluation Group
IFC International Finance Corporation
IT information technology
ITS Information and Technology Solutions
MDDT Mainstreaming Digital and Disruptive Technologies
MNA Middle East and North Africa
SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic
TMT Telecoms, Media, and Technology
All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated.