Insights for a Rapidly Changing World
Work Program, FY21–24
FY21–24+ Evaluations

* Green text = committed to be delivered within the timeframe indicated to the Board; Red text = COVID-19 response related; Gray italics = pipeline/long list
Note: AIMM = Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring; COVID-19 = coronavirus pandemic; CPF = Country Partnership Framework; ESF = Environmental and Social Framework; FCS = fragile and conflict-affected situations; FCV = fragility, conflict, and violence; GBV = gender-based violence; HD = Human Development; IDA = International Development Association; IFC = International Finance Corporation; MAR = Management Action Record; MIGA = Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; MPA = multiphase programmatic approach ; PforR = Program-for-Results; PPP = public-private partnerships; PSD = private sector development; PSW = Private Sector Window; RAP = Results and Performance of the World Bank Group; RAS = reimbursable advisory services; SCD = Systematic Country Diagnostic; SME = small and medium enterprise; SOE = state-owned enterprise.
IEG Deliverables
Evaluations (by number)

Project Evaluations and Validations (by number)

Note: \ = not available.
a. For validation products, IEG makes a rough estimate of the planned numbers at the beginning of the year, but actual delivery is determined by how many reports the World Bank Group provides to validate. FY18 delivery of Project Performance Assessment Reports was below target values because of one-time effects from substantial turnover in staff and management. Internal coordinators for these reports have been put in place, and a robust pipeline was developed for FY19 delivery. In the case of the Completion and Learning Report (CLR) Reviews, actual delivery to the Board is determined by the timing of the Country Partnership Framework Board discussion. All CLRs received by IEG are reviewed and delivered to the Board on schedule in line with the Policy and Operations unit of the Secretariat lead time requirements. In other words, the percentage does not reflect slippages in CLR Review delivery but slippages or delays in Country Partnership Framework Board discussions.
IEG Staffing
About IEG
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) is an independent unit within the World Bank Group. It reports directly to the Boards of Executive Directors, which oversee IEG’s work through the Committee on Development Effectiveness. IEG is charged with evaluating the activities of the World Bank (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and with developing international evaluation capacity.
The goal of IEG’s evaluation work is to improve the Bank Group’s ability to achieve development outcomes by providing impartial, evidence-based assessments and lessons on drivers of success and failure. IEG uses rigorous methods that triangulate findings from a cross-section of sources to provide credible evaluations with new insights. Sharing these findings, strengthening client evaluation practice, and engaging stakeholders ensures that insights are understood and necessary improvements are made.
The goals of IEG’s evaluation capacity development work are to foster international evaluation harmonization, to develop evaluation capacity in member countries, and to encourage best practices in international development evaluation.
All evaluations discussed in this report are available on IEG’s website at
This report was edited and produced by Amanda O’Brien and designed by Luísa Ulhoa.