
Displaying 1 - 10 of 12

Esclarecimento: Reportagem da Mídia sobre as Conclusões do Grupo de Avaliação Independente sobre o Programa do Grupo do Banco Mundial em Moçambique

WASHINGTON - 14 de Julho de 2023 – No seu relatório, O Grupo do Banco Mundial em Moçambique, Exercícios Fiscais de 2008–21, o Grupo de Avaliação Independente não conclui nem implica que o Grupo do Banco Mundial seja de…

Clarification: Media Reporting on the Findings of the Independent Evaluation Group on the World Bank Group Program in Mozambique

WASHINGTON - July 14, 2023 – In its report, The World Bank Group in Mozambique, Fiscal Years 2008–21, the Independent Evaluation Group neither concludes nor implies that the World Bank Group is in any way responsible…
Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating a World Bank budget support program implemented in Jamaica—the Economic Stabilization and Foundations for Growth Development Policy Loan (DPL).
Improving Urban Governance: Lessons from Ethiopia

Improving urban governance: Lessons from Ethiopia

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating the World Bank’s Ethiopia Urban Local Government Development Project (ULGDP).
Laying the Groundwork for Peace and Development

Laying the Groundwork for Peace and Development: 5 Lessons from the Republic of Colombia

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating a World Bank's Peace and Development Project, implemented in the Republic of Colombia.
Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts

Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts: Three Lessons from Indonesia

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating the World Bank’s Public Expenditure Support Facility (DPL-DDO) in Indonesia.
Strengthening Local Government Capacity to Deliver Services

Strengthening Local Government Capacity to Deliver Services: Four Lessons from Rural Kyrgyz Republic

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating two World Bank projects implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Village Investment Project and Second Village Investment Project.
The Challenge of Engaging Communities in Lao PDR: Lessons from the Poverty Reduction Fund Project

The Challenge of Engaging Communities in Lao PDR: Lessons from the Poverty Reduction Fund Project

This brief captures the lessons learned from evaluating the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) Poverty Reduction Fund Project. To read the full Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR), download the report.
What Can We Learn From a Decade of Public Financial Management and Civil Service Reform in Malawi?

What Can We Learn From a Decade of Public Financial Management and Civil Service Reform in Malawi?

This brief captures the lessons learned from evaluating the Malawi Financial Management, Transparency, and Accountability Project. This is the first of a series of assessments with an in-depth look at the experience…