
Displaying 2781 - 2790 of 5577

Malawi - Fisheries Development Project

The audit assessment rates the outcome of this operation as unsatisfactory, institutional development impacts as modest, and sustainability as unlikely. Similarly, the performances by…

The World Bank, Privatization and Enterprise Reform in Transition Economies: A Retrospective Analysis

This conceptual account details the approach to privatization and enterprise reform of three major countries in transition: Poland, Russia, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It discusses the states of mind that…

Seychelles - Environment and Transport Project

The overall outcome of the Environment and Transport Project was unsatisfactory, given that the primary objective to assist Seychelles towards sustainable environmental management was…

Bulgaria Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to the Republic of Bulgaria during 1991–2000. It covers activities that comprise 93 percent of total lending in this period. The…

West Bank and Gaza: An Evaluation

This report examines World Bank assistance to West Bank and Gaza (WB&G) during the period 1993 to end 2000. In most respects, the Bank's performance in West Bank and Gaza has been excellent and should serve as a…

Romania - Health Services Rehabilitation Project

Notwithstanding the poor performance of some project components, this assessment report rates the overall outcome of the project as moderately satisfactory, compared to a satisfactory…

Senegal - Primary Education Development Project and the Second Human Resources Development Project

The outcomes of both projects were rated moderately satisfactory because project objectives were only partially achieved. The projects clearly had a significant impact on primary…

Haiti Country Assistance Evaluation

Haiti's real per capita income fell during the last 15 years, and roughly two-thirds of the population lives in poverty, with economic and social indicators comparable to those of the poorest countries in the world.…

Chile Country Assistance Evaluation

This report finds that the outcome of the Bank's program has been highly satisfactory. Bank assistance supported substantial institutional development, and time has shown that the achievements reached have a high…

El Salvador Country Assistance Evaluation

Bank assistance to El Salvador contributed to create the conditions to grow faster, to reduce poverty and gender differences, and to develop the private sector. It covered six main areas: stabilization and adjustment;…