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Comment la Banque mondiale peut s'inspirer de son engagement au Maroc pour son nouveau modèle stratégique dans les pays à revenu intermédiaire

🎧 Comment la Banque mondiale peut s'inspirer de son engagement au Maroc pour son nouveau modèle stratégique dans les pays à revenu intermédiaire

Ecouter sur Spotify, ou Apple Podcasts. Une récente évaluation menée par le Groupe indépendant d'évaluation (IEG) offre des enseignements pour orienter l'avenir de l'assistance de la Banque mondiale au…
Beautiful top view of the Strait of Gibraltar and residential houses on the mountainside in the medina of Tangier in Morocco, North Africa

البنك الدولي في المغرب: التعلم والتكيف من أجل إحداث الأثر الإنمائي

يُتيح تقييم أجرته مجموعة التقييم المستقلة مؤخرًا بعض الدروس المستفادة لمساندة المغرب في المستقبل، كما يقدم بعض الرؤى والأفكار الثاقبة بشأن المشاركة الفعالة مع البلدان متوسطة الدخل.
Beautiful top view of the Strait of Gibraltar and residential houses on the mountainside in the medina of Tangier in Morocco, North Africa

La Banque mondiale au Maroc : apprendre et s’adapter pour plus d’impact

Une récente évaluation de IEG livre des enseignements pour la suite du soutien de la Banque mondiale au Maroc et plus généralement sur les clés d’une collaboration efficace avec les pays à revenu intermédiaire.
Beautiful top view of the Strait of Gibraltar and residential houses on the mountainside in the medina of Tangier in Morocco, North Africa

The World Bank in Morocco: Learning & Adapting for Impact

A recent IEG evaluation offers lessons for future support to Morocco and insights on effective engagement with Middle Income Countries.
Carving oriental stone wall and carving wooden arch door Marrakech, Morocco

The World Bank Group's Engagement in Morocco 2011-21

This report assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Morocco between fiscal years 2011 and 2021
Reader publication

Morocco - Municipal Solid Waste Sector Development Policy Loans 1-4

Ratings for Loans 1 and 2 of the Municipal Solid Waste Sector Development Policy were as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was significant,…

World Bank Group Engagement with Morocco 2011–21 (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation aims to assess the World Bank Group’s contribution to Morocco’s development trajectory over the past decade (fiscal years 2011–21) and is timed to inform the next Country Partnership…

Morocco - First and Second Transparency and Accountability Development Policy Loan

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses two International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans (First and Second Transparency and Accountability Development Policy Loans, known as Hakama 1…

Morocco - Completion and Learning Review for the Period of FY14-FY17 : IEG Review

This independent review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY14-FY17. In addition to the CLR, this review is based on the…

Morocco - Urban Transport Sector Development Policy Loan Project

Rapid urbanization has imposed considerable pressure on Morocco's urban transport systems. Public urban transport remains inadequate, deficient in quality, and functionally disorganized, particularly in terms of bus-…