
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Lending for Electric Power in Sub-Saharan Africa

This work evaluates the performance of 41 power projects completed between 1978 and 1993 and attempts to determine whether the region has posed—and will continue to pose—a special challenge for World Bank lending in…

Indonesia - Completion and learning review for the period FY2013-15 : IEG review

Rapid growth until 2012 led to a rapid decline in poverty, with the poverty headcount ratio reaching 11.3 percent in 2014. The fast pace of growth slowed down since 2013 thereby…
shutterstock/ Ja Crispy

World Bank Support to Aging Countries

This evaluation is the first at the Independent Evaluation Group to assess the World Bank’s contribution to diagnosing client countries’ demographic issues related to population aging.
Reader publication

Colombia - Power Development Finance Project

Rating for the Banking Sector and First and Second Trade Policy Loans for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: full country…

Indonesia - Smallholder Coconut Development Project

This is the Program Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on a Structural Adjustment Loan/Program (SAL) for Mauritania. The principal objective of the credits was to support the second…

Thailand - National Rural Development Project


Bangladesh - Bakhrabad Gas Development Project

The Water Supply Project in Lesotho was implemented. The project revision was carried out in a thorough and acceptable manner. The relationship between the Bank and the executing…

Turkey - Rural Development and Multipurpose Projects

The Seed Project in Pakistan was achieved. Delays and problems occurred during implementation of the severely limited success of the project. The project ended in a state of confusion…

Tunisia - Second Urban Development Project

The Seed Project in Pakistan was achieved. Delays and problems occurred during implementation of the severely limited success of the project. The project ended in a state of confusion…