
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Colombia : disaster risk management development policy loan

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the Colombia Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Loan with a catastrophe deferred drawdown option (CAT DDO). The loan of $150 million was approved on…

Colombia - Programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Development Policy Loans

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Development Policy Loans (DPLs; P130972) intended to support the strengthening of the government of…

Colombia - First Phase of the Productive Partnerships Support Project

The objective of the project - the relevance of which is rated Substantial by this assessment -- was to generate income, create employment and promote social cohesion of poor rural communities in an economic and…

Evaluation Capacity Development: Comparative Insights from Colombia, China, and Indonesia


Colombia – Business Productivity and Efficiency Development Policy Loans I-III

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the Colombia Business Productivity and Efficiency Loans, a programmatic series of development policy loans (DPLs) to Colombia implemented in FY06–11. The DPL…

Niger - Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project

This report assesses the performance of two projects: the Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project (ISHSSP) (supported by an International Development Association (IDA) credit of SDR 24.2 million…

Colombia - Second Rural Roads Sector Project and Third National Highway Sector Project

The outcome of the two projects is rated satisfactory. Institutional development impact is rated modest in the rural project and substantial in the national project. Sustainability is…

Colombia : Public and Private Paths to Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation in Colombia (1999-2011)

Water supply and sanitation in Colombia have improved in recent decades. Between 1990 and 2010, access to improved sanitation increased from 67 percent to 82 percent, and access to improved water sources increased…

Insider Insights: Building a Results-Based Managemenet and Evaluation System in Colombia (revised)

This paper examines the experience of institutionalizing Colombia's M&E system, from the perspective of a former SINERGIA manager: Manuel Fernando Castro, Director of Public Policy Evaluation, Department of National…

Colombia - The Fifth Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprise Project, the Public Sector Reform Loan Project, the Industrial Restructuring and Development Project, and the IFI Restructuring and Divestiture Project

The Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprise Project (SMV-V) outcome is rated moderately satisfactory, sustainability is rated likely, and both World Bank and Borrower performances are…