
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Eritrea - Community Development Fund Project

Project outcome is rated as satisfactory. The project faced a number of difficult issues, however, some of which were beyond the control of the project. Others were project-related…

Eritrea: Country Assistance Evaluation

The objective of this Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) is to review World Bank assistance to Eritrea from l992 to 2000 and assess its relevance, efficiency, efficacy, sustainability and impact. The evaluation was…

Eritrea: Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

The Government of newly independent Eritrea quickly created a foundation for sustainable broad-based growth, but revived hostilities with Ethiopia brought significant damage, a new wave of dislocations, and the collapse…

Eritrea - Health Project, and HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD and Tuberculosis Control Project

Ratings for the Health Project for Eritrea are as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory; risk to the development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was moderately…

The World Bank's Experience with Post-Conflict Reconstruction

In the wake of Cold War civil conflict, the Bank has responded by supporting the peacemaking process and, once peace is secured, putting its resources behind restoring economic, physical, human, and social capital. This…