
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Conversations: Are multilateral development banks still relevant today?

Conversations: Are multilateral development banks still relevant today?

Leaders from the major multilateral development banks, gathered in Rome for the Spring Meetings of the Evaluation Cooperation Group, discussed the future and relevance of multilateral development banks (MDBs).
Key Questions for Evaluation in the SDG Era

In the SDG Era, What are the Key Questions for the Evaluation Community?

Reflections of an in-depth discussion about how development is changing, and what the implications are for evaluation.
Creating Markets

Creating Markets - Lessons from Experience in Developing Countries

What lessons from evaluation are relevant to the success of the World Bank's renewed focus on creating markets?
Conversations: How can the private sector contribute to the SDGs

Conversations: How can the Private Sector Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals?

Excerpts from a high-level panel discussion about the opportunities and challenges for businesses looking to invest in ways that will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
The World Bank Group’s Approach to the Mobilization of Private Capital for Development

The World Bank Group’s Approach to the Mobilization of Private Capital for Development

This evaluation offers IEG’s first systematic assessment of the Bank Group’s approaches with Private Capital Mobilization (PCM) and the achievements of development outcomes in engaging with investors and project…
Reader publication
Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

With a strong learning focus, this evaluation is intended to inform the implementation of IFC’s corporate strategy (IFC 3.0) and the contributing roles of the World Bank and MIGA to that strategy

Colombia – Business Productivity and Efficiency Development Policy Loans I-III

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the Colombia Business Productivity and Efficiency Loans, a programmatic series of development policy loans (DPLs) to Colombia implemented in FY06–11. The DPL…

What Can 6 Countries Tell Us About Tax Reform?

Tax revenue gains are an increasingly important source of revenue, especially after the onset of the pandemic, as governments struggle to fund a myriad of demands, from health sector capacity building to climate change…
Scaling up private capital mobilization for development: Lessons from World Bank Group experience

Scaling up private capital mobilization for development: Lessons from World Bank Group experience

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires raising trillions of dollars on an annual basis. Public resources and Official Development Assistance (ADA) will not be enough to finance the SDG agenda. Now…

Poland - Completion and learning review for the period FY14-FY17 : IEG review

Poland is a high-income country (HIC) with a GNI per capita of $12,680 in 2016. Poland’s annual economic growth accelerated to 3.3 percent during the CPS period (2014-2016) from 2.9 percent over the previous four years…