
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Pakistan - Fertilizer Project

The Fertilizer Project in Pakistan is a major technological and economic success. It was completed on schedule and with only minor cost overruns. Start-up of the plant was smooth,…

West Pakistan - Third Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project

The Third Sui Northern Gas Pipelines (SNGPL) Project in West Pakistan was successfully completed. The Bank played an important role in the successful completion of the project.…

India - Shipping Project

The Highway Project in Madagascar was achieved. The first International Development Association (IDA) credit to Madagascar was implemented successfully with only minor delays. The…

India - Gujarat Agricultural Credit Project

The Senegal Agricultural Credit Project aimed at increasing the groundnut and millet production of small farmers living in the main groundnut producing area of Senegal. The main…

West Pakistan - Highway Projects

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…