
You Searched for:evaluation capacity development
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Transforming Our World - Aiming for Sustainable Development

Transforming Our World - Aiming for Sustainable Development

In order to draw relevant insights from past development experiences, the Independent Evaluation Group looked at several recent evaluations that speak to the SDGs as well as the World Bank Group's engagement with the…

Evaluation Capacity Development: A Growing Priority

OED's first Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development (AREC) finds that the World Bank is increasing its support for Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) activities and is currently active in 21 countries. ECD…

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa

A high-level seminar held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in November 1998, brought together teams of senior officials from 12 African countries and 21 international development assistance agencies. Their task was to look…

Financing for Development - Using Independent Evaluation to Turn Aspirations into Achievements (Paper)

This paper uses existing IEG evaluations. It does not generate new evidence. It is designed to present evaluation findings in ways that speak to the current financing development agenda to make evaluation insights…

Managing Environmental and Social Risks in Development Policy Financing

This is one of a series of learning products on Development Policy Financing (DPF) being undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), covering a range of issues. The series provides a timely independent…

Evaluation 2030 - What Does the Future Look Like?

2015 brought together three important development agendas. Central to them are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Created through an extensive consultation…

Integrating Gender into IEG Evaluation Work

This report differs from these efforts in that it reflects more than one year of experimentation and learning-bydoing with ”real” Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation work. Conscious that even the perfect (…

Learning from IDA Experience: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

This synthesis report presents findings from recent evaluations and analysis from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). Focusing on the special themes under IDA16 and IDA17, it aims to offer evaluation evidence on…

Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Uganda (2004-2013)

This joint evaluation was managed by the European Commission (EC) and IEG. It covers 2004 to 2013, a period when Uganda experienced robust economic growth.

The Quality of Results Frameworks in Development Policy Operations

This review on the Results Frameworks (RFs) of development policy operations (DPOs) is part of a series of assessments to gain new insight into the factors that influence the design, implementation, and performance of…