
Displaying 1 - 10 of 208

Maldives - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2000-07 : IEG review

This country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review evaluates the Bank's contribution to the development of the Maldives between 2000 and 2006, focusing on the CAS 2000…

Romania - School Rehabilitation Project

Ratings of the Schools Rehabilitation Project for Romania are as follows: outcome was satisfactory, risk to the development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was…

Global Program Review: The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is a global partnership housed in Conservation International (CI) between CI, the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility, the MacArthur Foundation, the Government of…

Serbia - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2005-FY2007 : IEG review

The FY05 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) sought to support the government's development priorities for FY05-FY07, defined by two pillars: European Integration and poverty reduction…

Ukraine - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2004-07 : IEG review

As the country assistance strategy (CAS) was a joint strategy between the Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), this review of the CAS completion report (CR) covers the…

Mali: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank assistance to Mali during the period FY95-05. On balance, IEG rates the outcome of IDA support for Mali's development as…

World Bank Assistance to Agriculture in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is a critical development priority—it has some of the world's poorest countries and during the past two decades the number of poor in the Region has doubled, to 300 million—more than 40 percent of…

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2005-07 : IEG review

This review assesses the implementation of the FY08-11 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) CPS, as well as the CPS completion report. The strategy was jointly implemented by IBRD/IDA, IFC…

Belarus - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2002-06 : IEG review

As the CAS was a joint strategy between the Bank and the IFC, this review of the CASCR covers the Bank-related aspects and is evaluated by the IEG-WB; IFC-related aspect of the CASCR…

Uganda: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This joint evaluation of the assistance of the WBG and AfDB will cover the period 2001-2007, dealing with the implementation of the FY01-03 WB-CAS, the FY02-04 AfDB-CSP and the first two years o f the UJAS (2005-2007).…