
Displaying 11 - 19 of 19

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Country Assistance Evaluation

This report examines World Bank assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) during 1996-03. It analyzes the objectives and content of the Bank's assistance program during this period, the outcomes in terms of economic…

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Emergency Recovery, Emergency Landmines Clearance, Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration, Local Initiative, and Republika Srpska Reconsturction Assistance Projects

The objectives of the Emergency Recovery Project (ERP) were substantially relevant to both Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH ' s) own reconstruction needs and policy and to the Bank ' s own strategy in support of post-…

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Urgent Works Project

The ratings for the project are as follows: the project outcome is moderately satisfactory, the project ' s sustainability is unlikely, the institutional development impact is modest, and the Bank and Borrower…

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Emergency Electric Power Reconstruction Project and Second Electric Power Reconstruction Project

These are the first projects in the Bank ' s substantial portfolio to be evaluated by OED since lending operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina began in 1996. Sixteen of these projects were processed as ' emergency '…

Bosnia-Herzegovina - Post-Conflict Reconstruction (Country Case Study)


La reconstrucción en los países en etapa de posguerra:
Bosnia y Herzegovina
Resumen de estudios de casos

La guerra en Bosnia y Herzegovina produjo la muerte de 250.000 personas, un desplazamiento interno en gran escala y un millón de refugiados. El Acuerdo de Dayton sólo se alcanzó una vez que los Estados Unidos…

Reconstruction des pays sortant d'un conflit : Le cas de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine Résumé d'une étude de cas

En Bosnie-Herzégovine, le conflit a fait 250 000 morts et provoqué des déplacements massifs de populations dans le pays et l'exode d'un million de personnes. Ce sont les fortes pressions exercées sur les…

The World Bank's Experience with Post-Conflict Reconstruction

In the wake of Cold War civil conflict, the Bank has responded by supporting the peacemaking process and, once peace is secured, putting its resources behind restoring economic, physical, human, and social capital. This…

Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Bosnia - Herzegovina

The conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina resulted in 250,000 deaths, massive internal displacement, and the exodus of one million refugees. The agreement in Dayton was reached only after the US and other key participants…