
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 81 - 90 of 5568
ICT and Evaluation -  Man versus Machine?

Technology and Evaluation - Man versus Machine?

The first in a series of reflections on the information and communication technology (ICT) revolution and how it will impact evaluation in the not-so-distant future.
ieg blog, stakeholder consultation, whatworks

Consulting on the “Big 5” Evaluation Criteria - What got us here?

The Rethinking Evaluation blog series, a butterfly effect, and a global consultation
Facing off: Accountability and Learning - the Next Big Dichotomy in Evaluation?

Facing off: Accountability and Learning - the Next Big Dichotomy in Evaluation?

Are we heading into a big split in the evaluation profession?

World Bank Operations Evaluation Department : the first 30 years

During the course of 2002-03 the Bank’s Operations Evaluation Department (OED) held a series of major events, including seminars and workshops, leading up to the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of OED by Robert…
Rethinking Evaluation

Rethinking Evaluation - Where to Next?

A summary of the ongoing conversations in the evaluation community about updating the DAC Evaluation Criteria.

Five Tips to make your evaluation more influential

Read #WhatWorks blog: What Comes After the Evaluation is Completed?
Insights from Mexico about World Bank Group Engagement in MICs

How the World Bank Group and other development partners can engage more effectively in middle-income countries: Insights from Mexico

Five key insights from an IEG evaluation of World Bank Group support to Mexico as to how development partners can make the most impact in middle-income countries.
What’s Wrong with Development Effectiveness?

Rethinking Evaluation - What is Wrong with Development Effectiveness?

The way we look at development effectiveness needs a facelift.
 Rethinking Evaluation - Impact: The Reason to Exist

Rethinking Evaluation - Impact: The Reason to Exist

Complexity theory and enhanced modeling capacities provide opportunities to rethink evaluation methods.

Public-Private Partnerships in Health

Access to essential health services is an important aspect of development. Governments from both developed and developing countries are increasingly looking at public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a way to expand…