
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 31 - 40 of 5568
Ukraine CPE

The World Bank Group in Ukraine, 2012–20

This evaluation reviews the effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s partnership with Ukraine during 2012–20 and contains lessons that can inform the Bank Group’s support for recovery and reconstruction in the country.
Reader publication
Orange sunset and cloud over cityscape Kiev, Ukraine, Europe

Ukraine: Lessons to inform the (hopefully) not too distant future

An evaluation of a decade of World Bank Group support for Ukraine has important lessons for eventual stabilization and reconstruction.

World Bank Group Partnerships: Moving Forward Together

How can global partnerships and country programs work better together? A new IEG evaluation charts a future course.

Albania Country Program Evaluation

The primary goal of the evaluation is to assess the Bank Group’s development effectiveness in Albania during the period FY11-19 and to inform the design and implementation of its future activities in Albania. The…

Better Together? Seven Guiding Principles for Evaluating Partnership Programs

Ensuring everyone involved in a partnership evaluation gets what they expect
World Bank Group Country Engagement: An Early-Stage Assessment of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership

World Bank Group Country Engagement: An Early-Stage Assessment of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework

This evaluation, undertaken at the request of the Board of Executive Directors, provides an early look at how the SCD/CPF process is working, and identifies ways to strengthen the new country engagement model as it…

Bangladesh Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Bangladesh aims to assess the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s engagement with Bangladesh during the last 10 years (fiscal year [FY]11–20). The CPE will…
Orange sunset and cloud over cityscape Kiev, Ukraine, Europe

Україна: Досвід, який стане підґрунтям для прийняття рішень у (сподіваємося) недалекому майбутньому

Аналіз допомоги, яку Група Світового банку надавала Україні протягом останніх десяти років, визначає важливі уроки для подальшої стабілізації та відбудови
The World Bank Group in Ecuador: Country Program Evaluation, Fiscal Years 2008–22

The World Bank Group in Ecuador

This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Ecuador during Fiscal Years 2008-22.  
Reader publication

Iraq CLR Review FY14-17

This Completion and Learning Review for the World Bank Group (WBG) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Iraq covers the period, FY 13-17. This is the first WBG CPS for Iraq following three Interim Strategy Notes (ISNs…