
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 472

Knowledge-Based Country Programs: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience

This evaluation assesses knowledge-based activities in nine country programs (Bulgaria, Chile, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russian Federation, South Africa and Thailand) selected from 48 knowledge-intensive…

Opportunities and Challenges from Working in Partnership: Findings from IEG’s Work on Partnership Programs and Trust Funds

Partnerships and trust funds are big business for the World Bank Group. It participates in around 126 global partnership programs and administers more than 1000 trust funds which have become a significant source of…

Partnership in Joint Country Assistance Evaluations: A Review of World Bank Experience

In the last few years, OED has partnered with several agencies to produce joint Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs). The following completed joint CAEs have been undertaken in collaboration with other multilateral…

Brazil Country Paper for the CGIAR Meta-Evaluation

This is one of two country working papers by independent scholars prepared as part of the meta-evaluation of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) conducted by the Operations Evaluation…

Ethiopia Country Assistance Evaluation (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for Ethiopia Country Assistance Evaluation. IEG's evaluation finds that International Development Association's (IDA) country strategy for Ethiopia and the associated program during the period…

Mozambique Country Program Evaluation, 2001-08 (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Mozambique Country Program Evaluation, 2001-08. During the period FY01-08, the World Bank was Mozambique's largest development partner, providing over $1.3 billion in International…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Implementation of Country-led
Partnership in the context of the Comprehensive Development Framework

This working finds that there have been improvements in aid delivery process towards better coordination, country ownership and partnerships, but that these improvements have not been systematic nor can they be…

Integrating Gender into IEG Evaluation Work

This report differs from these efforts in that it reflects more than one year of experimentation and learning-bydoing with ”real” Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation work. Conscious that even the perfect (…

Egypt: Country Assistance Evaluation (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation. IEG finds that in general there was progress on many of the objectives of World Bank assistance to Egypt, and the overall outcome of the Bank's…

Selectivity in Country Strategies: The Evidence

This paper is a first attempt at piecing together the various strands of evidence to understand the role and the practice of selectivity in the WBG's country strategies. It explores the link between selectivity and…