
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 99

Bulgaria Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to the Republic of Bulgaria during 1991–2000. It covers activities that comprise 93 percent of total lending in this period. The…

Knowledge-Based Country Programs: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience

This evaluation assesses knowledge-based activities in nine country programs (Bulgaria, Chile, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russian Federation, South Africa and Thailand) selected from 48 knowledge-intensive…

Colombia - First Phase of the Productive Partnerships Support Project

The objective of the project - the relevance of which is rated Substantial by this assessment -- was to generate income, create employment and promote social cohesion of poor rural communities in an economic and…

Bulgaria - Country partnership strategy completion report (CPSCR) review for the period FY2007-11 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) that was issued on May 16, 2006, and was meant to cover the period July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2009. No progress report was issued…

Colombia - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report : IEG review

The FY08 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was a joint strategy for the World Bank Group (WBG). A CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) was prepared in 2010. This review evaluates the CPS and…

Colombia - Colombia DPF


Bulgaria - Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

· The Bulgarian economy deteriorated through early 1997 leading to a financial crisis as a result of which output was one third lower than at the beginning of the transition. Economic growth revived and poverty was…

Earnings Growth and Employment Creation: An Assessment of World Bank Support in Three Middle-Income Countries

The Bank has identified five policy areas that affect employment: macroeconomic conditions, investment climate, labor regulations, education, and social protection. This study uses this MILES framework, as it is known,…

Colombia - Completion and learning review for the period FY2012-16 : IEG review

Colombia is an upper middle income country whose poverty fell significantly over the past five years although it remained at 28.5 percent in 2014, with extreme poverty of 8.4 percent, in a context of strong growth.…

Colombia - Social Safety Net Project

This is the Project Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Colombia Social Safety Net Project. The objective of the project was to strengthen the country's social safety net by consolidating and expanding the successful…