
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 14
Sandra Bullock, Resource Rich Countries and what [even] World Bankers can learn from Evaluation

Sandra Bullock, Resource Rich Countries and what [even] World Bankers can learn from Evaluation

How can the World Bank Group help countries better manage their natural wealth? Insights from IEG's evaluation on resource rich countries.

Botswana - Bechuanaland First Highway Project

This study, dealing with the Botswana First Highway Project is the fourth in a series of individual project audits being carried out currently by the Operations Evaluation Division.…

Botswana - Engineering and Preliminary Works Credit Project

This is a project performance audit report of Livestock Projects for Bolivia. This performance audit deals with the first two of three credits for livestock development granted by…

Botswana - Livestock Development Project

Agriculture produces about 25 percent of the country's gross Domestic Product (GDP) but employs more than half of the work force. One of the problems affecting the agricultural sector…

Botswana - Education Project

The Education Project for Botswana was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely, and the…

Botswana - Urban Development Projects

The Urban Development Project in Botswana was successful. The experience in Botswana provides a lesson in the successful application of the sites and services and slum upgrading…

Botswana - First Family Health Project

The First Family Health Project in Botswana was satisfactory. The Bank's performance on this project as unsatisfactory, and the borrower performance was satisfactory. The project was…

Botswana - National Land Management and Livestock Project

The National Land Management and Livestock Project in Botswana was modest. Overall, institutional development is, therefore, rated as modest. Although the land-use planning function…

Botswana - Second and Third Education Projects

The Second and Third Education Projects in Botswana was achieved. The Bank's inability to accommodate the Government's request to utilize surplus funds to increase the number of…

Botswana - Power Project

The Power Project in Botswana was achieved. The project has succeeded in fulfilling the original objectives. The Bank played an important role in the implementation of this project.…