
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 471 - 480 of 5568

Mozambique - Completion and Learning Review for the Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY17-FY21 : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) for Mozambique covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY17-FY21. The objectives…

South Africa - Completion and Learning Review for the Country Partnership Framework : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the FY11-FY16 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and its adjustments through the FY15…

Morocco: Country Assistance Review

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines Bank assistance to Morocco since the last Country Assistance Strategy (CAS), issued in January 1997, and, concentrates on the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, and…
monitoring and evlauation systems of IFC and MIGA, ieg report, biennal report on operations evaluation, broe 2013

Assessing the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems of IFC and MIGA

This Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation is an evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation systems of IFC and MIGA. It takes stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the development results frameworks in place for…

Burkina Faso Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation examines assistance to Burkina Faso during the past ten years. One of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso is landlocked, with a high population growth rate and HIV…

Pakistan - Gov Policy Project for Balochistan


Cabo Verde - Cabo Verde - Transport Sector Reform


Lesotho - LS-Second Pvt. Sector Competitiveness


Albania - Completion and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework for FY15-FY21 : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY2015-FY2020, and updated in the…

Chad - Completion and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework for FY16-FY20 : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY2015-FY2020, and updated in the…