
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 290
Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Using results frameworks to improve planning and to better identify potential dynamic synergies at country level.

The Poverty Focus of Country Programs

This evaluation examines how, and how well, the Bank Group has focused its support on poverty reduction over in the past decade, and what lessons to draw from this moving forward. The lessons aim to strengthen the Bank'…

Kazakhstan, Country Program Evaluation FY04-13

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) evaluates World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD], or the Bank, the International Finance Corporation [IFC], and Multilateral Investment…

Zambia, Country Program Evaluation FY04-13

This country program evaluation (CPE) evaluates World Bank Group operations in Zambia from FY04 through FY13. The Bank Group covers IDA or the Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the Multilateral…

Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework Process Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The new World Bank Group Strategy aims to focus country programs on accelerating progress toward sustainably reducing poverty and building shared prosperity (known as the "€œtwin goals"). It recognizes that while today…

Mongolia, Country Program Evaluation FY05-13

This country program evaluation (CPE) evaluates the World Bank Group's operations in Mongolia from FY05-13, as part of a cluster of country evaluations of resource-rich developing countries, also including Bolivia,…

Panama - Completion and learning review for the period FY2011-14 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY11-14 Panama Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the CPS Progress Report and assesses the Completion and Learning Review. IEG rates the overall outcome of the CPS…
The Kaleidoscope Effect

The Kaleidoscope Effect

By offering a new perspective, evaluation can provide insights that might otherwise have been missed.  
Evaluation Capacity: Central to Achieving the SDGs

Evaluation Capacity: Central to Achieving the SDGs

Now that the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear) is drawing to a close, what's next?

The Plurinational State of Bolivia, Country Program Evaluation FY05-13

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank Group's operations in Bolivia during the period from FY05 to FY13. It is part of the Clustered CPE for Resource Rich Developing Countries,…