
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 196

India - IN: National Ganga River Basin Project


India - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY13 - FY17 : IEG Review

This review of the India Completion and Learning Report of the World Bank Group (WBG) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers the CPS period, FY13-FY17, including the CPS Performance and Learning Review (PLR) of…

India - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report review for the period FY09-FY12 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Years (FY) 2009-2012 India Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the FY 2011 CAS Progress Report (CASPR), and assesses the CAS Completion Report (CASCR). The review…

The Aga Khan Rural Support Program: A Third Evaluation

The program's primary purpose is to involve rural people in their own development and to provide a model of rural development that is applicable in other settings. This evaluation describes the impact of the program on…

India Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of Bank assistance to India during the 1990s. India was one of the Bank´s founding members and remains one of its largest and most influential borrowers. The…

India Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

This document summarizes the main findings of the India Country Assistance Evaluation

Meeting India's Energy Needs (1978-1998): A Country Sector Review

This report evaluates the performance of Bank lending and nonlending activities in India's energy sector. In particular it assesses the impact that changes of the early 1990s in the Bank's strategy toward the sector…

India: Improving the Development Effectiveness of Assistance (Precis based on India Country Assistance Evaluation)

Bank assistance has become more pro-poor in recent years, but the Bank should make greater efforts to monitor systematically the impacts of Bank-assisted projects and programs on poverty and gender and to mainstream…

India: The Challenges of Development Overview of Sectoral Assistance Evaluations An OED Country Assistance Evaluation

This Working Paper also serves as volume 2 of the India Country Assistance Evaluation, India: The Challenges of Development. Included in this volume, in addition to the introductory text, taken from Chapter 4 of the…

India - Renewable Resources Development Project

The outcome of the Renewable Resources Development Project is rated as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development impact as sustainable, Bank performance as satisfactory, and borrower performance…