
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 41 - 50 of 192
Five ways to think about quality in evaluation

Five ways to think about quality in evaluation

Five frameworks to build greater understanding of the building blocks of quality, and to enhance quality in evaluation.
In Conclusion

In Conclusion…

The third and final post of IEG Director General Caroline Heider's retrospective.
The Three Pillars of a Working Evaluation Function

The Three Pillars of a Working Evaluation Function: IEG's Experience

The second in a 3-part retrospective series by Director General Caroline Heider.
Looking back at 7 Years at the Helm of IEG

Looking back at 7 Years at the Helm of IEG

The first in a 3-part retrospective series by Director General Caroline Heider.
Enriching Evaluation near the Alps

Enriching Evaluation near the Alps: IPDET 2.0 Delivers on its Promise

Launched this summer, the updated and revised IPDET evaluation training program was a resounding success.
Uncovering Factors of Project Success

Uncovering Factors of Project Success: A Literature Review

Which factors associated with better and worse World Bank project outcomes have garnered the most consensus among researchers? Use the tool created for this review to explore these factors.
ieg blog, stakeholder consultation, whatworks

Consulting on the “Big 5” Evaluation Criteria - What got us here?

The Rethinking Evaluation blog series, a butterfly effect, and a global consultation
Are We Missing Something in the Accountability Architecture?

Are We Missing Something in the Accountability Architecture?

As domestic public resources and international private flows increase relative to ODA, how can we gauge the effectiveness of these new resources, and their related policies and programs, in achieving the Sustainable…
Apply for the 2018 International Program for Development Evaluation Training

Registration Deadline May 31: Apply for the 2018 International Program for Development Evaluation Training

The International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) is an executive training program for development practitioners working in monitoring, evaluation, and results measurement. The program is jointly…
Key Questions for Evaluation in the SDG Era

In the SDG Era, What are the Key Questions for the Evaluation Community?

Reflections of an in-depth discussion about how development is changing, and what the implications are for evaluation.