
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 53
World Bank Support to Jobs and Labor Market Reform through International Development Association Financing. Photo: Marwane Zouaidi/World Bank

World Bank Support to Jobs and Labor Market Reform through International Development Association Financing

This evaluation is the first stage of the Independent Evaluation Group’s assessment of the World Bank’s support for more, better, and more inclusive jobs through IDA financing, and it assesses the implementation of IDA-…
Reader publication

International Finance Corporation Country Diagnostics and Strategies Under IFC 3.0: An Early-Stage Assessment (Approach Paper)

In December 2016, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) introduced its latest strategy, IFC 3.0, which aimed to enhance IFC’s development impact by creating “new and stronger markets for private sector solutions…

World Bank Group Engagement with Morocco 2011–21 (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation aims to assess the World Bank Group’s contribution to Morocco’s development trajectory over the past decade (fiscal years 2011–21) and is timed to inform the next Country Partnership…

World Bank Group Support to Energy Efficiency: An Independent Evaluation of Demand-side Approaches (Approach Paper)

Energy efficiency contributes, first and foremost, to addressing climate change, but it also to addressing three other critical development challenges: firm productivity, energy security, and household energy…

The Drive for Financial Inclusion: Lessons of World Bank Group Experience – Approach Paper

Financial inclusion is expected to help address poverty and shared prosperity by improving and smoothing household incomes at the same time as reducing vulnerability to shocks, improving investments in education and…

Early Evaluation of the World Bank’s COVID-19 Response to Save Lives and Protect Poor and Vulnerable People (Approach Paper)

Disrupting billions of lives and livelihoods, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic jeopardizes countries’ development gains and goals on an unprecedented scale. Restoring human capital and maintaining progress on…

Doing Business Indicators and Country Reforms (Approach Paper)

Doing Business is recognized as highly influential in business regulatory reform worldwide, and it is the most used set of indicators on business regulation. Its indicators are widely used and analyzed in the academic…

An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Municipal Solid Waste Management, 2010–20 (Approach Paper)

Municipal solid waste (MSW) has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges for urban areas across the world. This evaluation is the Independent Evaluation Group’s (IEG) first major study of the Bank Group’s support…

Bangladesh Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Bangladesh aims to assess the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s engagement with Bangladesh during the last 10 years (fiscal year [FY]11–20). The CPE will…

The International Finance Corporation’s and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency’s Support for Private Investment in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (Approach Paper)

In countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), the private sector can play a critical role in providing jobs and income. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth led by private investment can help…