
Report/Evaluation Type:Annual Reviews (RAP)
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Republic of Ghana : eGhana project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the World Bank’s eGhana Project, which was approved on August 1, 2006 at an original cost of XDR 26.90 million (US$40.0 million) from International Development…

Ghana - Statistical Development Project

Following the declaration of the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics in November 2004, and with a growing global consensus on the need to build and broaden the statistical capacity of developing countries, the…

Ghana - Economic Governance and Poverty Credit, and Seventh and Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Credits Projects

This Program Performance Assessment Report evaluates three consecutive development policy operations (DPOs) in Ghana during 2009-12. The World Bank committed $300 million in 2009 through a two-tranche Economic…

Ghana - Land Administration Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Ghana Land Administration Project. The objective of the Project was to develop a sustainable and well functioning land administration system that is fair…

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities in Ghana: A Diagnosis and Proposed Action Plan


Ghana: is Growth Sustainable


Ghana: ¿Es sostenible el crecimiento?

Durante el último decenio, el Banco Mundial contribuyó al progreso económico de Ghana con préstamos que ascendieron a un total superior a los $2.000 millones, incluidos más de $1.000 millones para…

Designing Technical Assistance Projects: Lessons from Ghana and Uganda


Diseño de proyectos de asistencia técnica: enseñanzas recogidas en Ghana y Uganda

Es difícil que la asistencia técnica tenga éxito, especialmente en aquellos países que salen de una situación de prolongados disturbios internos. Resulta paradójico que estos países, que tanto necesitan de…