
Report/Evaluation Type:Systematic Reviews and Impact Evaluations
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Tanzania - Second Social Action Fund Project

This PPAR evaluates the performance of the second Tanzania Social Action Fund project (TASAF II, P085786), a community-development fund project, approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the International…

Tanzania - Local Government Support Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) covers an operation implemented over the period FY05-FY12. The Tanzania Local Government Support Project (LGSP) was approved by the Board on November 30, 2004, became…

Tanzania - Human Resource Development Pilot Project, Primary Education Development Program Project, and Secondary Education Development Program Project

The purpose of this report is to assess the development effectiveness of and lessons of three Bank-supported education projects in mainland Tanzania implemented over a decade (between 1997-2007) - the Human Resources…

Tanzania - Urban Sector Rehabilitation Project

The ratings for the Urban Sector Rehabilitation Project for Tanzania were as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was modest; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower performance was…

Tanzania - Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP), the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II), and the Second National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP II)

This evaluation finds mixed performance overall. The outcome of the Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP) is rated moderately satisfactory. The outcome of the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II) is…

Tanzania - Secod Port Modernization and Railway Restructuring Projects

The audit concurs overall with the Implementation Completion Report's (ICR) ratings of satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, substantial institutional development impacts, and satisfactory performances by…