
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

From Rationing to Full Service: Water and Sanitation Challenge for Bombay


Del racionamiento al servicio completo: los problemas del abastecimiento de agua y el saneamiento en Bombay

En muchas ciudades del mundo en desarrollo las interrupciones diarias del suministro de agua son un problema común, e importantes segmentos de la población carecen de servicios de saneamiento adecuados. En muchos…

India - Water Supply and Waste Water Services in Bombay: First, Second and Third Bombay Water Supply and Sewerage Projects

The impact of urban water supply and wastewater services on Bombay is considered in this report, which covers a 22-year period. There is special focus on institutional development, water supply and sewerage tariffs and…