
Report/Evaluation Type:Major Evaluations
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Nepal - Avian Influenza Control Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Nepal Avian Influenza Control Project under the Global Program for Avian Influenza. Following global concerns and outbreaks of avian influenza in India in…

Nepal - Irrigation Sector Project

Ratings for the Irrigation Support Project for Nepal are as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory; risk to the development outcome was substantial; Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory; and Borrower…

The Challenges of Community Participation in Forest Development in Nepal

This thematic overview draws on a survey of the literature, and extensive discussions with donors, civil society, and other stakeholders. The report also draws on a recent Joint Technical Review of the Community…

Foresterie communautaire au Népal

Bi qu'il soit l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, le Népalmontre la voie à suivre pour mobiliser la participation des collectivités à la protection et à la gestion de la forêt. Son programme de…

La actividad forestal comunitaria en Nepal

Apesar de que Nepal se encuentra entre los países más pobres del mundo, es un líder mundial en lo que se refiere a involucrar a las comunidades en la protección y gestión forestales. El programa de…

Community Forestry in Nepal

Although Nepal is among the world's poorest countries, it is a global leader in engaging communities in forest protection and management. Nepal's community forestry program, more than two decades old, has helped…

Training Extension Agents in Nepal


Capacitación de agentes de extensión agrícola en Nepal

El Proyecto de formación de recursos humanos para la agricultura en Nepal tenía por objeto atender la imperiosa necesidad de capacitar agentes de extensión para ayudar a los agricultores a aumentar la…

Natural Resource Management in Nepal
