
Report/Evaluation Type:Approach Papers/Concept Notes
Displaying 111 - 119 of 119

Lessons from Urban Transport: Selected Proceedings from a World Bank Seminar

This seminar explored the provision of effective urban transport through a mixture of public expenditure management and institutional change. Beyond project outputs, new forms of service provision that induce more…

Brazil - Secondary and Feeder Roads Project and the Second Feeder Roads Project

This evaluation examines the impact of feeder roads some 10-15 years after completion of the two projects. It focuses on a sample of 20 of the 63 roads financed by the two projects in the State of Bahia and assesses the…

Morocco - Socioeconomic Influence of Rural Roads: Fourth Highway Project

This report evaluates the impact of rural road improvements on the agricultural and social sectors and considers transportation infrastructure improvements, agricultural extension services, the impact on education and…

From Foodline to Lifeline: Rural Roads in Morocco


De la economía agrícola a los servicios sociales: la influencia de los caminos rurales en Marruecos

En un reciente informe de evaluación del DEO* se examinó el efecto del componente de caminos rurales incluido en el Cuarto proyecto de carreteras de Marruecos, iniciado a mediados del decenio de 1980. El objetivo…

Improving African Transport Corridors


Maintaining Rural Roads


Modernizing China's Ports


Lending for Railways: Pakistan
