
Displaying 1 - 10 of 155

Malawi - Fourth Highway Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

China - University Development Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Bangladesh - Mangrove Afforestation Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Tanzania - Trucking Industry Rehabilitation and Improvement Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

People's Democratic Republic of Yemen - Greater Aden Water Supply Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Brazil - Sites and Services and Low Cost Housing Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Bolivia - Ingavi Rural, Omasuyos-Los Andes Rural, Ulla Ulla Development Projects

This is a project performance assessment report of the Ingavi Rural, Omasuyos-Los Andes Rural, and Ulla Ulla Development Projects in Bolivia. The three projects covered by this audit…

Bolivia - Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Rural Omasuyos-Los Andes, Ulla Ulla

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…

Philippines - Smallholder Tree Farming and Forestry Project

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…

Yemen Arab Republic - Second Sana'a Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…