
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Monitoring and Evaluation in the United States Government: An Overview

The U.S. government‘s long history of concern with accountability and oversight continues and evolves in new directions. The last two decades have seen an increased interest in outcomes-based performance…

Israel - Sewerage Project

The Tarbela Dam Projects in Pakistan was achieved. Although there were difficult times and serious problems, the overall picture and the result are clearly a great success. Through…

Israel - Second Agricultural Credit Project

This is a performance audit of the Seyhan Irrigation Project Stage second in Turkey, the project was consistent with the Turkish Governments development objectives and the Bank's…

Israel - Third Industrial Development Bank Project

This report covers an audit of the experience under the Program Loan (Loan 911-ZA) to Zambia. The loan was intended to provide resources to assist Zambia to carry out a reduced…

Israel - Agricultural Credit Project

The Senegal Agricultural Credit Project aimed at increasing the groundnut and millet production of small farmers living in the main groundnut producing area of Senegal. The main…

Israel - Second Industrial Development Bank Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…