
You Searched for:"country program evaluation"
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Cluster Country Program Evaluation: Mauritius Country Case Study (FY07–15), Enhancing Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

After nearly two decades of strong economic growth, in 2005 the economy was in difficulties. The loss of trade preferences in textiles in 2005, the anticipation of prospective reform to the European Union’s sugar…

Clustered Country Program Evaluation for Small States (Approach Paper)

This evaluation relates closely to the Independent Evaluation Group's two objectives. First, it will seek to deepen evidence about the results of World Bank Group programs and activities—including financing operations…

Cameroon Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the uneven pattern of Bank assistance to Cameroon, which adapted poorly to the changing needs, and sharp policy turning points. This assistance was too generous at the…

World Bank Assistance to CFA Countries - An Evaluation of Selected Social, Economic, and Regional Aspects of the Bank's Performance (L'aide de la Banque Mondiale aux pays de la zone CFA)
