
You Searched for:fisheries
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Bangladesh - Third Fisheries Project

The audit of the Third Fisheries Project agrees with all of the ICR ratings, which are satisfactory on outcome, Bank, and Borrower performance; substantial on institutional…

Maldives - Fisheries Project

This is a performance audit on the Fisheries Development Project in Burundi, for which credit was approved in May 1976. The actual credit closing date was May 17, 1983, almost a year…

Maldives - Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the social, and economic progress over the past two decades in Maldives, providing a brief evaluation to serve as background for Country Assistance Strategy discussions,…

Fisheries in the Maldives and Yemen


India - Fisheries Projects

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…

Maldives, Republic of Yemen - Fisheries Projects

Rating for the Banking Sector and First and Second Trade Policy Loans for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: full country…

Bangladesh - Oxbow Lakes Fishery Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Maldives - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2000-07 : IEG review

This country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review evaluates the Bank's contribution to the development of the Maldives between 2000 and 2006, focusing on the CAS 2000…

India - Drought Prone Area Project

This is a performance audit of the Drought Prone Areas Project in India, the project was largely successful in identifying, testing and implementing technical, economic and…

India - Education Project

This is a performance audit on the Fisheries Development Project in Burundi, for which credit was approved in May 1976. The actual credit closing date was May 17, 1983, almost a year…