
Displaying 3001 - 3010 of 5577

Mexico - Contractual Savings Development Program Project (CSDP I) and Second Contractual Savings Development Program Project (CSDP II)

This performance audit report covers the Contractual Savings and Development Program Project (CSDP I) and the Second Contractual Savings and Development Program Project (CSDP II). The…

Financing the Global Benefits of Forests - The Bank's GEF Portfolio and the 1991 Forest Strategy

This report examines the degree to which Global Environment Facility (GEF) policies are compatible with the World Bank's Forest Strategy. It highlights a number of GEF-specific issues that are significant to forests and…

The World Bank Forest Strategy: Striking the Right Balance

This report assesses progress since the World Bank first issued its comprehensive Forest Strategy in 1991 and finds that the effectiveness of the strategy has been modest, and the sustainability of its impact is…

Tanzania Country Assistance Evaluation


Hungary - Product Market Development Project

The audit assessed the outcome of the project as satisfactory, with likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts. Regardless of success, lessons drawn from…

Kyrgyz Republic - Rehabilitation Credit Project (RC) and Privatization and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Credit Project (PESAC)

This performance and audit report covers two credits: the Rehabilitation Credit Project (RC) and the Privatization and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Credit Project (PESAC). RC was the…

Malawi - The First and Second Education Sector Credit Projects

OED rates outcomes as satisfactory though marginally so. Despite the problems, the projects achieved a threefold expansion in classroom capacity, well beyond original expectations. In…

Caribbean Region - Fifth and Sixth Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Projects

The outcomes of the Fifth Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Project was rated as unsatisfactory and the Sixth Caribbean Development Bank Project as highly unsatisfactory. The audit…

Madagascar - First Environment Program Project

The audit downgrades the Implementation Completion Report's assessment of outcome to marginally unsatisfactory, as well as both the Bank, and Borrower performances to unsatisfactory.…

The Role of Civil Society in Assessing Public Sector Performance in Ghana

The report presents the proceedings of a Consultative Workshop, based on the deliberations on the actual and potential role of the Ghanian civil society in assessing public sector performance. Participants identified…