
Displaying 1 - 10 of 18

Monitoring and Evaluation in the United States Government: An Overview

The U.S. government‘s long history of concern with accountability and oversight continues and evolves in new directions. The last two decades have seen an increased interest in outcomes-based performance…

Sudan - Agricultural Research Project

This is a project performance assessment report of the Education Sector Reform Project in Morocco. The project was the seventh World Bank Group operation in Morocco's education and…

Sudan - Irrigation and Pump Schemes Rehabilitation Projects

Ratings for the Northwest Rural Development Project of Tunisia are as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory; risk to the development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was…

Sudan - Highway Projects

The Petroleum Exploration and Development Project for the Ivory Coast was marginally unsuccessful. The project did not achieve all of its objectives, institutional development was…

Sudan - Second Agricultural Rehabilitation Program

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Sudan - Third Mechanized Farming Project

The Sind and Punjab Agricultural Extension and Development Projects in Pakistan was successful. Overall, the project has been moderately successful in meeting its broad goals in spite…

Sudan - Agricultural Rehabilitation Program

The Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project in Nepal was achieved. The execution of the project was difficult, and without the Bank's close involvement, it is likely that there would have…

Sudan - Port Project

This is a performance audit of the Technical Assistance – Rural Development Project in Algeria. The audit finds that the Project Completion Report covers adequately the project's…

Sudan - Rahad Irrigation Project

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…

Sudan - Savannah Development Project

The Birganj Irrigation Project in Nepal succeeded in meeting its objective. The ultimate success of the project depends very much on the ability of the Government of Nepal to…