
Displaying 1 - 10 of 17
World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

This first systematic stocktaking by IEG of joint or co-financed projects within the World Bank Group offers insight on both benefits of, and challenges in, developing, structuring, supervising, monitoring and…

Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

The topic of resilience has gained prominence on the development agenda. Many of the Sustainable Development Goals relate to resilience.1 In the World Bank’s new strategy adopted in October 2013—achieving the twin goals…
Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

This synthesis of existing evaluations seeks to draw lessons from key IEG evaluations of World Bank Group support for strengthening client country response and resilience to systemic shocks.
women-empowerment-in-rural-cdd-, ieg learning product

Women's Empowerment in Rural Community-Driven Development Projects

This report analyzes gender features of long-standing World Bank rural community-driven development (CDD) projects, their response to women’s specific constraints, and their impacts on women’s economic, political, and…
World Bank Group Support to Housing Finance

World Bank Group Support to Housing Finance

This learning product aims to provide lessons from experience about successful practices related to World Bank Group housing finance projects.
Lessons from Land Administration Projects: A Review of Project Performance Assessments

Lessons from Land Administration Projects: A Review of Project Performance Assessments

Securing land rights plays an important role in driving economic growth and poverty reduction, and recently there has been increasing awareness of the relevance of land tenure issues to food security, climate change,…

Lessons from Land Administration Projects: A Review of Project Performance Assessments

Land rights and the systems that administer them can vary significantly across the world and within countries (World Bank 2003). For a number of reasons, land rights may be unclear or insecure. Securing land rights…

Learning Product on Financial Sustainability of the Electricity Sector in Developing Countries – Lessons from World Bank Interventions: FY2000-2016 (Concept Note)

About 1.1 billion people around the world, mostly poor, lack access to electricity, holding them back from the potential for human development and quality of life that can result from such connectivity. In Sub-Saharan…

Managing Environmental and Social Risks in Development Policy Financing

This is one of a series of learning products on Development Policy Financing (DPF) being undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), covering a range of issues. The series provides a timely independent…