
Report/Evaluation Type:IEG Annual Reports
Displaying 1 - 10 of 478

Nepal Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the performance of the World Bank Group’s support to Nepal in achieving its development objectives between 2014 and 2023. The evaluation will focus on the Bank Group’s…
Aerial view of Bishkek city's Ala-Too central square with waving flag

Государственное управление играет важнейшую роль в развитии страны: Уроки поддержки Всемирного банка для Кыргызской Республики

Оценка поддержки, предоставленной Всемирным банком Кыргызской Республике, позволяет понять важность реформ государственного управления для развития частного сектора, стимулирования экономического роста и достижения…
Aerial view of Bishkek city's Ala-Too central square with waving flag

Governance is crucial: Lessons from World Bank support to the Kyrgyz Republic

An evaluation of World Bank support to the Kyrgyz Republic offers insights on the role of governance reforms in fostering private sector development to drive economic growth and achieve development results.

Georgia Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the performance of the World Bank Group’s support of Georgia in achieving its development objectives. It will evaluate how the Bank Group program has adapted over time to…

Albania : Competitiveness Development Policy Lending Project

The Albania Competitiveness Development Policy Loan (DPL) was financed by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan in the amount of $77.72 million and approved by…
Orange sunset and cloud over cityscape Kiev, Ukraine, Europe

Ukraine: Lessons to inform the (hopefully) not too distant future

An evaluation of a decade of World Bank Group support for Ukraine has important lessons for eventual stabilization and reconstruction.
Orange sunset and cloud over cityscape Kiev, Ukraine, Europe

Україна: Досвід, який стане підґрунтям для прийняття рішень у (сподіваємося) недалекому майбутньому

Аналіз допомоги, яку Група Світового банку надавала Україні протягом останніх десяти років, визначає важливі уроки для подальшої стабілізації та відбудови
Ukraine CPE

The World Bank Group in Ukraine, 2012–20

This evaluation reviews the effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s partnership with Ukraine during 2012–20 and contains lessons that can inform the Bank Group’s support for recovery and reconstruction in the country.
Reader publication

Kyrgyz Republic - The First and Second Development Policy Operations and Programmatic Governance and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation

The World Bank approved two programmatic series of development policy operations (DPOs) from 2013 through 2016 to improve governance and private sector development in the Kyrgyz…

Montenegro - Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening Project (MIDAS)

Ratings for the Institutional Development and Agricultural Strengthening Project (MIAS) are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Overall efficacy was substantial, Bank performance…