
Report/Evaluation Type:IEG Annual Reports
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Latin America and Caribbean - Planning for Adaption to Global Climate Change Project and Mainstreaming Adaption to Climate Change Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Global Climate Change Project and Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change Project, representing the first two stages…

Caribbean Region - Fifth and Sixth Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Projects

The outcomes of the Fifth Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Project was rated as unsatisfactory and the Sixth Caribbean Development Bank Project as highly unsatisfactory. The audit…

The Caribbean Region: a Review on World Bank Assistance


Caribbean Region - Second and Third Caribbean Development Bank Projects

The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Adjustment Program for Cote d'Ivoire was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was…

Caribbean Region - Caribbean Development Bank Project

The Structural Adjustment Program Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact has been significant, sustainability is likely, and…