
Report/Evaluation Type:IEG Annual Reports
Displaying 1 - 10 of 20

Hungary Country Study - Pension Reform and the Development of Pension Systems: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance

This paper belongs to series of 19 country and regional case studies commissioned as background research for the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report "Pension Reform and the Development of Pension…

Hungary - Health Services and Management Project

The project failed to achieve its development objectives. It was overly large and complex and not coherent. Its design and much of its implementation was consultant-driven, and it was…

Hungary - Second Transport Project and Roads Project

The audit rates the outcome of the Second Transport Project as satisfactory because the objectives were relevant, investments were efficient, and efficacy was mixed. The outcome of…

Hungary - Product Market Development Project

The audit assessed the outcome of the project as satisfactory, with likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts. Regardless of success, lessons drawn from…

La agricultura en Hungría

Cuando en 1988 el Banco Mundial aprobó un préstamo de US$70 millones para ayudar a Hungría a impulsar sus exportaciones agrícolas, se suponía que la economía húngara marchaba paulatinamente hacia la…

L'agriculture hongroise : un modèle de développement institutionnel

Lorsqu'en 1988, la Banque mondiale lui avait accordé un prêt de 70 millions de dollars pour l'aider à développer ses exportations agricoles, la Hongrie paraissait s'engager lentement sur la voie de la libÃ…

Hungary - Second Structural Adjustment Loan

This performance audit report rates the Second Structural Adjustment Loan for Hungary. The audit rates the overall project outcome as marginally satisfactory, taking into account the…

Agriculture in Hungary

When the World Bank approved a $70 million loan in 1988 to help Hungary boost agricultural exports, the country was expected to slowly become more liberal and open. But just two years after the start of the project,…

Hungary - Agroprocessing Modernization Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on the Agricultural Services Rehabilitation Project in Ghana. The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) rates the overall outcome as…

Hungary - Industrial Energy Diversification and Conservation Project, the Second Industrial Energy Conservation Project, and the Energy Development and Conservation Project

This is the Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for the Industrial Energy Diversification and Conservation Project, Second Industrial Energy Conservation Project, and Energy Development…