
Displaying 31 - 40 of 151

Faciliter la transition de la Russie: Une gageure sans précédent

Le rapport sur l'évaluation de l'aide à la Russie, qui couvre la période 1992-2001, fait apparaître un bilan décevant, mais qui s'améliore, pour les activités de la Banque mondiale dans la FédÅ

Le programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales: la prochaine étape

Le Programme Aga Khan d'aide en régions rurales (AKRSP) donne, à bien des égards, d'excellents résultats. Placé sous la direction d'une ONG, ce programme de développement rural touche environ 900 000…

Assisting Russia's Transition: An Unprecendented Challenge

The Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) for Russia, covering the period from 1992 to 2001, showed disappointing but improving results for the World Bank's activities in the Russian Federation. Although OED rated the…

The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program

By many measures the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a highly successful NGO-run rural development program. It reaches some 900,000 people in about 1,100 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral District of…

High-Efficiency Lighting in Mexico

Roughly 2.6 million high-efficiency light bulbs were sold below-cost to residential consumers of electricity in two Mexican cities as part of a pilot demonstration project for high-efficiency lighting. The ILUMEX…

The Logic of Renewal: Evaluation at the World Bank (1992-2002)

Keynote address of DGO Robert Picciotto at event celebrating 30 years of Operations Evaluation in the World Bank. September 23rd, 2002, Preston Auditorium, World Bank, Washington, DC, The World Bank

Zambia: Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

The Bank was instrumental in supporting liberalization in the early 1990s that helped restore private sector growth. But during 1996-01, the relevance of IDA strategies to support external debt management was weak, and…

Russia: Bank Assistance for the Energy Sector (Youri Bobylev and Jacek Cukrowski)

The results of the Bank's operations in different sub-sectors have been mixed. In the coal sub-sector, the Bank's projects have been effective in assisting the government to improve the management system, the social…

Russia: Bank Assistance for the Energy Sector (Richard Berney)

The Bank has rightly followed differing approaches to working with each subsector, based on its evaluation of the central problems of that sub-sector, and on its assessment of the Government's willingness to accept Bank…

Russia: Bank Assistance for Public Financial Accountability (Vinod Sahgal and Deepa Chakrapani)

The Bank-wide efforts in strengthening PFA institutions point to two important lessons: i) Building institutional capacity in transition economies for public sector accountability systems is a long-term initiative that…