
Displaying 2631 - 2640 of 5577

Aplicación de la directriz operacional 4.20 sobre poblaciones indígenas: evaluación de los resultados

El objeto de este examen es evaluar la aplicación por el Banco de la directriz operacional 4.20, según la cual es necesario preparar un Plan para el desarrollo de las poblaciones indígenas (PDPI) en los…

Kazakhstan - Petroleum Technical Assistance Project

Project outcome was moderately satisfactory. The results were mixed, but significant benefits did accrue. The implementing legislation for the petroleum sector was established, but the legislative framework for sector…

Ecuador - Mining Development and Environmental Control Technical Assistance Project

The project's outcome is rated moderately satisfactory. It established a modern regulatory framework for the mining sector and strengthened and restructured the public mining institutions. It made significant…

Burkina Faso - Transport Sector Adjustment Investment Program Project

The assessment rates the project outcome as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and institutional development impacts as high, and both performances by the Bank, and Borrower as highly satisfactory. Key lessons…

ARDE 2002 - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge

The development community is aligned around the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in an unprecedented manner. By focusing on the achievement of quantified and time-bound development targets covering income and non-…

Sri Lanka - Country assistance strategy : OED comments on CAS completion report

This brief review of the progress towards the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy objectives and of the Sri Lanka CAS CR has yielded the following six main findings and recommendations…

Cote d'Ivoire - Railway Rehabilitation Project

The PAR rates the project outcome satisfactory, institutional development high, and sustainability likely. The PAR further rates Bank performance highly satisfactory and borrower performance satisfactory. Sustainability…

La Iniciativa para los PPME: Situación y perspectivas

La Iniciativa para la reducción de la deuda de los países pobres muy endeudados (PPME) —destinada a aliviar la pesada carga que representa la deuda externa para algunos de los países más pobres— fue…

A Iniciativa HIPC (PPME): Progresso e Perspectivas Futuras

A iniciativa para Alívio da Dívida dos Países Pobres Muito Endividados (HIPC) - concebida para reduzir o elevado ónus da dívida externa de algumas das nações mais pobres - foi posta a vigorar pelo…

The HIPC Initiative: Progress and Prospects (Precis)

The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative - designed to relieve the high external debt burdens of some of the poorest nations - was put in place by the World Bank and the IMF in 1996; an expanded,…