
Displaying 2811 - 2820 of 5577

Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Development - An Evaluation of the World Bank 's Performance

OED's evaluation has been timed to inform the preparation of the new Environment Strategy Paper. The evaluation is based on the synthesis of self-evaluation assessments, case studies of selected countries, background…

IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction An Independent Evaluation of Fiscal Years 1994-2000

The seven-year period covered by the review has been one of considerable change--in borrower countries and in the development system. IDA's undertakings, while timely and relevant, have continuously 'raised the bar' on…

2000-2001 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation

The Annual Report on Operations Evaluation (AROE) fulfills OED's statutory obligation to assess the adequacy of the Bank's operations evaluation system. Following a suggestion by the Vice President & Controller,…

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2002 : OED review

The 2002 country assistance strategy (CAS) for the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), presented a five-year strategy focused on the reduction of income insecurity and…

Lesotho Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation was prepared in collaboration with the African Development Bank. Lesotho's economic and social development in the 1990s and the development challenges facing the country were assessed…

2001 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: Making Choices

As the 2001 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) demonstrates, selecting the right combination and sequencing of activities in a given setting can make the difference between success and failure.

Supplemental Tables to the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) 2001: Making Choices

Supplemental statistical tables in support of the 2001 ARDE report, containing various time and subject area breakdowns of project evaluation data. Primary focus is on the FY96-01 exiting projects that OED has evaluated…

Cultural Properties in Policy and Practice: A Review of World Bank Experience

This study is a first effort by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) to examine cultural heritage in the work of the World Bank. The purpose of the study is to identify the Bank ' s past work with physical…

Colombia - The Fifth Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprise Project, the Public Sector Reform Loan Project, the Industrial Restructuring and Development Project, and the IFI Restructuring and Divestiture Project

The Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprise Project (SMV-V) outcome is rated moderately satisfactory, sustainability is rated likely, and both World Bank and Borrower performances are…

Hungary - Health Services and Management Project

The project failed to achieve its development objectives. It was overly large and complex and not coherent. Its design and much of its implementation was consultant-driven, and it was…