
Displaying 2741 - 2750 of 5577

Brazil - Santa Catarina State Highway Management Project

The project outcome is rated as satisfactory, and sustainability is rated likely. Bank performance is considered satisfactory, as is the performance by the Borrower. The review of the…

Ecuador - Biodiversity Protection Project

The outcome of the project is rated moderately unsatisfactory because although its objectives were relevant and fit well with the environmental priorities of the country, the project…

The Challenges of Community Participation in Forest Development in Nepal

This thematic overview draws on a survey of the literature, and extensive discussions with donors, civil society, and other stakeholders. The report also draws on a recent Joint Technical Review of the Community…

Niger - The Small Rural Devleopment Operations Project, the Agricultural Services Support Project, and the National Agricultural Research Project

This assessment rates the overall project outcome for PPODR as satisfactory. Ther, the outcome of PRSAA as modeerately satisfactory, and the outcome of PNRA as unsatisfactory. Several…

Zimbabwe - Urban Sector and Regional Development Project and Rural District Council Pilot Capital Development Project

The Urban Sector and Regional Development Project's overall outcome is rated as moderately satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development impact as modest, Bank…

Eritrea - Community Development Fund Project

Project outcome is rated as satisfactory. The project faced a number of difficult issues, however, some of which were beyond the control of the project. Others were project-related…

Zimbabwe - Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention and Care Project

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory, based on the achievement of the project's explicit objectives. Sustainability is unlikely: drug availability has fallen since the end…

Papua New Guina - The Petroleum Exploration Technical Assistance Project and the Petroleum Exploration and Development Technical Assistance Project

The project is assessed as having had a satisfactory overall outcome, its sustainability has been demonstrated as highly likely, but its institutional development impact was only modest because project management was in…

Bolivia - Biodiversity Conservation Project

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory mainly because there were significant shortcomings related to establishing a biodiversity monitoring system, the legal framework for…

Brazil - Innovations in Basic Education Project, the Second and Third NortheastBasic Education Projects, and the School Improvement Project

The outcome of the FUNDESCOLA project is rated satisfactory. The outcomes of the Innovations in Basic Education and Northeast Basic Education (NEBE) projects are rated moderately…